INCAICA has the highest level of human capital, being a team with years of experience and know-how, willing to listen to your need and help you with different types of tools to achieve added value in your business.


Being the president of the company, he is in charge of the analysis and execution of strategies with our clients in Latin America.

In her professional career, she has been in charge of the analysis and execution of investment projects as a Project Manager in different companies for projects located in countries such as Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia and the Dominican Republic, among other countries. He was in charge of the Fuels and New Businesses Directorate AES Argentina Generation, implementing strategies to optimize fuel consumption and analyzing development projects over ten years, forming part of the analysis and execution team of generation projects in the region.

He is an Electronics Engineer from the National Technological University (UTN) and has an MBA from the Institute of Higher Business Studies (IAE). He holds a Postgraduate Degree in Electrical Market Administration from the Technological Institute of Buenos Aires (ITBA).